20 MIN FULL BODY || Pilates Home Workout (No Equipment)
Let’s get sweaty💦 with this full-body pilates workout, focusing largely on strengthening your core👊🔥
IG: @pashapilates
Music: “African Ocean“ by Ameen Harron (Original Music specifically created for Pasha Pilates) 🎶
#pilates #pilateshome #pilatesinstructor #pilatesworkout #pilatesbody
Disclaimer: Please read and understand this disclaimer before watching and engaging in this pilates workout video.
The pilates workout video you are about to watch is intended for informational and educational purposes only. While I am a certified pilates instructor and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and safety of the exercises demonstrated, it is important to understand that performing any physical activity, including pilates, carries inherent risks.
By choosing to participate in this pilates workout, you acknowledge and agree that you are doing so at your own risk. It is crucial to consult with your healthcare provider or a qualified medical professional before starting any exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or injuries.
Please remember that everyone’s body is unique, and what may be suitable for one person may not be appropriate for another. It is essential to listen to your body throughout the workout and modify or skip any exercises that feel uncomfortable, painful, or beyond your current capabilities.
While I strive to provide clear instructions and guidelines for proper form and technique, I cannot guarantee that you will not sustain an injury while performing the exercises shown in this video. You are solely responsible for your own safety and well-being during the workout.
If at any point during the workout you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, or any other unusual symptoms, please stop immediately and seek medical attention.
By watching and participating in this pilates workout video, you understand and agree to release me, the instructor, from any and all liability for injuries or damages that may arise from your participation.
Remember, consistency and gradual progress are key when engaging in any exercise program. Take breaks as needed, stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s limits.
Thank you for understanding and respecting these important guidelines. Enjoy your pilates workout with Pasha Pilates, and remember to prioritize your safety above all else.
4 days ago 00:05:17 1
Потрясающий мясной рулет! Два вида мяса, со вкусом домашней колбасы! Для праздничного стола!
1 week ago 00:06:04 2
Специально к чаепитию для наших дам. Воздушный рулет с очень вкусным кремом. Brazo gitano con crema
2 weeks ago 00:00:20 1
Ароматные свежайшие булочки за 20 мин, отличный вариант выпечки к чаю! #булочкисмаком #выпечка
2 weeks ago 00:02:25 1
Шикарные МЯСНЫЕ ПАЛЬЧИКИ из ГОВЯДИНЫ в томатном соусе
3 weeks ago 00:03:51 1
Пирожки-рулетики с мясом и рисом! Самое простое тесто без дрожжей для пирожков ! Супер рецепт!