On Writing with Sergey & Jill, part 1

On Writing With Sergey & Jill part 1 послушайте как говорит нейтив спикер на этом видео (где мы c Jill делимся секретами of writing), попробуйте разобрать произношение, уловить смысл, детали, нюансы акцента, спросите себя все ли понятно. Она тоже музыкант, из Joshua Tree, California; также писатель, художник, профессор информатики; интересная музыкальная семья - ее муж - сессионный барабанщик, с самими Stevie Ray Vaughan и BB King ездил в туре. Кстати в первом видео мы анализируем главу вдохновленную вечером когда мы c Саной (скрипка) выступали в Дредноуте и побегом персонажа Florry от родителей. Глава с романтической сценой. 00:00 - Working on the love scene from Chapter 46 - “In Which Florry Got Kidnapped By Her Family And Runs Away From Her Home” 02:23 - The Body Sinks it in Forever (meaning when you discuss and critique each other’s writing you get substantially better) 03:10 - it’s easy to notice excessive words in other’s work and easy to miss them in your own 03:27 - Everybody’s perception is different (‘beautiful’ - means different thing to different people – you need to spell it out for the character (Florry - as an example) 05:28 - Showing Not Telling / Less is More / That Does Tell a Story 07:20 - Keeping the Drafts Of Your Story 09:28 - “Avoid Needless Words” - (Stephen King “On Writing”) / Conversational Style Loosens You Up / ‘That’s Not Me, That’s Stephen King’ 10:58 - Stephen King or J.K. Rowling? 11:50 - “Omit Needless Words” (from “The Elements Of Style” by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White) 12:48 - That’s How We Know That We Are Not Talking In Our Voice (all the time, and we should be) 13:18 - Knowing Your Writing By Heart By The End Of The Book (Letting Your Warm Cocker Spaniel Go) 14:45 - ‘Ice Cream’ Story 15:44 - I Wanted To Say Something But It Slipped My Mind 16:15 - Sometimes We Are Too Precious About Our Writing (Emotional Attachment Can Be A Trap) / Writing Can Be A Study Of Human Nature 17:50 - Just Keep Writing 19:10 - My First Sale (I’m not Sending My Writing Anywhere Until It Tells Me It’s Done) 19:39 - The Secret Of Harry Potter’s Success 📣 РАЗГОВОРНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЧЕРЕЗ ТВОРЧЕСТВО 🌈🎨 ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНОСТЬ 👁‍🗨⏳ И «STORYTELLING»📜 Contact for private lessons: EnglishLessonsWithSergey@ 👩‍🎓 Пишите, откликайтесь и записывайтесь на бесплатный пробный урок-диагностику-знакомство (30 мин) 📘 📬 EnglishLessonsWithSergey@ Английский язык, индивидуальные занятия🎓I🎸Sergey📜Denisov🖊 🎓English ⦵ Storytelling📜 About Jill “Jill Carey Michaels is the artist, author, singer songwriter, and radio host of California’s humorous “Desert Storysongs.“ Her music and life have taken her from stages in L.A. to NY as her comical, autobiographical tales are exposed with humor and angst-centering around true life adventures. Jill shares original thought provoking story-songs such as “My First Car” about a $300 purchase and “Nice Girl”, the story of a girl, a Manhattan apartment and a promise. Michaels unique brand of wit and humor shine through her lyrics and music.“ 🌍
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