Tempo: 151 BPM
Tunning: /- A432
Mother Earth. Father Sky. l talk to you. To East, south. West and North. to the Earth’s centre. To the Sky’s zenith. At this time l would like it known around the world, that there will be peace. harmony and blessings for all my people men. women and children. May they all think well and journey well. May all their songs and prayers be answered by the sacred forces. ln this way we can live in beauty with power from our ancestors. l send out this message to the world with the help of my flute. We will be blessed and live in harmony and peace. To the ancestors: You take good care of us.
Matko ziemio, ojcze niebo, mówię do Was.
Od wschodu do południa.
Od zachodu i północy.
Do środka Ziemi.
Do zenitu nieba.
Niech świat się dowie
Że mój lud zazna pokoju, harmonii i błogosławieństwa.
Niech mężczyźni, kobiety i dzieci będą dobrej myśli
i odb&
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