Nature is Metal

I’m showing you guys how I got my cats on to eating raw meaty bones. All of my cats were rescues, when I got them home I immediately changed their diets over to a PMR diet. For Moka, it was the hardest as he loved his kibble. Casper (which you may not see to much of, because he’s so jumpy and easily frighted) and Taz weren’t to hard. Casper knew right away what to do with raw meaty bones and whole prey items, as he was a 3yo stray for some unknown amount of time. Taz was only 3 months old when I got him. Switching kittens over is usually a lot easier than it is for some adults, like Moka who 1yo. So what I did in this video helped me a lot. One difference being that you can not hold food from kittens ever. Spacing out feeding for the adults to get them hunger is fine. So the chopping and smashing of the bones with a meat tenderizer, along with food toppers helped a lot until Moka got used to it, which was about a week or so. I want to know what some of you guys have tried to get your cat to eat RMB’s. T
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