Tai Verdes - LAst dAy oN EaRTh (Lyric Video)

Listen to my new song “LAst dAy oN EaRTh“: Listen to my album ‘TV’: Come see me on tour: Follow me: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: @taiverdes Tai Verdes “LAst dAy oN EaRTh” Performed by Tai Verdes Written by Tai Verdes, Noah Conrad, Ryan Linvill, Adam Friedman Produced and mixed by Noah Conrad, Ryan Linvill, Adam Friedman Animation by @rajasdesigns Photography by Austin Cieszko (@theonlymang) Lyrics: If it was my last day on Earth If it was my last day If it was my last day on Earth If it was my last day If I close my eyes And the sun don’t rise Will I be okay? If it was my last day on Earth If it was my last day If it was my last day on Earth I wouldn’t be in church I’m sorry God but it’s my last day in this universe I need to see birds and buzzin’ bees green grass, evergreen trees not seeing people who have been mean to me And why would I
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