안녕하세요 Peak&Pitch입니다!
이번엔 Tai verdes의 “sheluvme”라는 곡을 커버해봤는데요☺
내가 사랑하는 그녀가 날 사랑하는 감정을 아주 귀엽게 표현한 노래라
저희도 재밌게 작업했던 노래입니다!
많이 많이 들어주세요🙏
Hello, we’re Peak & Pitch!
This time, we covered a song “sheluvme“ by Taiverdes. ☺
It’s a song that expresses the feelings that she loves me in a cute way,
so we had a lot of fun working on it!
Please listen to it a lot🙏
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