Produced by Kids Rock For Kids
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KRFK brought together extraordinary young performers for a mind-blowing collaboration!
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This first of a series of music videos including these future legends!!
Cover: Hysteria by Muse @muse
#hysteria #muse
Vocals: Vinya Chhabra • age 13 from New Jersey
INSTAGRAM @vinyachhabra
Bass: Ellen Alaverdyan - age 11 from Las Vegas
YOU TUBE @EllenPlaysBass
INSTAGRAM @ellenplaysbass
FACEBOOK @ellenplaysbass
Drums: Yoyoka Soma - age 14 from Japan
... @yoyoka_soma
INSTAGRAM @yoyoka_drums
FACEBOOK @yoyoka_soma
Spotify @yoyoka
Guitar: Bay Melnick Virgolino (aka The Only Bay) - age 9 from NYC
YOU TUBE @TheOnlyBayMusic
INSTAGRAM @the_only_bay
Guitar & Backing Vocals: Charlotte Milstein - age 14 from San Diego
YOU TUBE @CharlotteMilsteinGuitar
INSTAGRAM @charlottemguitar
TIKTOK @charlottemilsteinguitar
Backing Vocals: Ella Milstein - age 16 from San Diego
INSTAGRAM @ellairismusic
Shoutout to the music video tech team!!
Video: Brian Tweedt @briantweedt
Video: Rob Cammidge @cammidge
Audio Mix: Hovak Alaverdyan @hovakalaverdyan
Music Director: Josh Margolis @gowanusmusicclub
Video Edit: @henry_xie0902
Recorded and Filmed at Tropico Union Los Angeles, CA @tropicounion
Cover Graphics: Cara Radom @csradom
KIDS ROCK FOR KIDS is a NYC-based nonprofit that brings together exceptionally talented and passionate young musicians from around the world – giving them the opportunity to do what they love and connect with their kindred spirits in music, while helping kids in need.
KRFK - Helping the next generation help the world!Show more