Hey there Everybuddy! 🤗
How are you all doing?
I hope you are doing Swell on this lovely Monday.
Enjoy this time with me while I show you an album from my collection!
If you are interested in checking out this band, here are some of my favorite songs by them:
Heart of Glass:
One Way or Another:
Call Me:
Hanging On the Telephone:
The Tide Is HIGH:
What’s YOUR favorite Blondie Song? 💖
Links to my other Album Episodes:
Johnny Cash (San Quentin)
Johnny Cash (Folsom Prison)
Boston (Third Stage)
Guns N Roses (Use Your Illusion II)
Def Leppard (Hysteria)
AC/DC (Back In Black)
Steve Miller Band (Fly Like an Eagle)
Introducing The Beatles
You can find this album on Amazon here:
=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1531155608&sr=8-1&keywords=blondie parallel lines vinyl
🌹 If you would like the option to help support my channel, and also have a chance to see more of what I do and love, here is a link to my patreon.
🌹 If you would like to follow me on Instagram, here is a link for ya!
I hope you all have a wonderful evening and a relaxing night of sleep!
Until next time!
5 months ago 00:37:12 1
Prim ASMR | Guns N’ Roses Use Your Illusion II 🌹
5 months ago 00:31:45 2
Prim ASMR | Boston Third Stage (Album Series)
5 months ago 00:30:05 4
Prim ASMR Pat Benatar “Get Nervous“ | Album Collection