Supplying fuel to Allied troops (1945)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit During Operation PLUTO (pipeline under the ocean), pipelines are layed under the English Channel for dispensing oil to Allied Forces Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: How Fuel Reached Our Allies in Europe ENGLAND: Various: EXT FACTORIES. HAYS oil pipe line for PLUTO being made. MAPS. Of oil supply lines in Britain. NAVAL BRITISH. . PERSEPHONE & . CONUNDRUMS used for laying PLUTO pipe lines across Channel. Special Landing barges for runing pipe line ashore. OIL For Pipe lines under English Ch. PLUTO. (PIPE LINE UNDER THE OCEAN). Map of oil supplies in Britain.’HAYS’ pipe line being made being laid across Bristol Ch. ’HAMEL’ pipe line being welded together. .’PERSEPHONE’ carries line on big drum.(laying pipe). .’CONUNDRUMS’ laying pipe line cross Channel after D-Day.(pulled by tugs.) Pipe being run ashore by special
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