The eye is an incredibly complex organ that allows us to take in information from our surrounding world through sight. The cornea is the first layer of the eye, which helps us focus light and protect our eyes. As the outermost layer of the eye, the cornea is the most prone to damage. When the cornea is damaged, patients are in pain and in some cases can become blind. The current treatment for a damaged cornea is a cornea transplant; however, donor cornea is extremely limited. Dr. Amer Riazuddin and his lab at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, are using stem
... cell technology to generate corneal tissue that can be used in place of the cornea from a donor.
Dr. Amer Riazuddin is an awardee of the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund. To learn more about the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF), visit .
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The cornea, the outermost part of an eye, focuses the light inward. When the cornea is damaged, patientsShow more