(28 Sep 2005) SHOTLIST
1. German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and head of Social Democratic Party (SPD) Franz Muentefering arriving at the press conference
2. Mid shot media
3. SOUNDBITE (German) Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor
“There is no reason to talk about personnel policy right now. We are in a situation of preliminary talks to find out whether coalition talks would be possible. In such a situation talks about personnel policy would not be politically correct.“
4. Various shots media
5. Schroeder and Muentefering leaving
6. Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Angela Merkel and Christian Social Union (CSU) leader Edmund Stoiber arriving at press conference
7. SOUNDBITE (German) Angela Merkel, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader
“ It is very clear what stands between us still. It is the demand of the CDU to name the chancellor. But who ever expected a result concerning this question would have had wrong expectations today. Nevertheless w
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