MEMORIAL DAY BLOOD PANEL at Titan Medical: FULL Male Panel ($130, typically $200), FULL Female Panel ($200, typically $300) — . Mention RXMuscle.
3:48 - Dave can you explain a little bit about t3 like who should take it, should you split the dose and how long to take it for and just what is the scince behid it. Should you still take it if yoyr levels are normal is there any benefit?
6:40 - Have you changed anything with your diets in the last few years or are they mainly the same as when you started coaching?
12:15 - How close to a show should I cut DECA?
14:35 - Can you talk a bit about gut health probiotics prebiotic what’s the best to take how many bacteria colonies should you be taking refrigerated, shelf stable and what about spore forming probiotics your thoughts please and thanks.
18:35 - Best cycle for strength.
21:18 - Does NPP have the same anti-inflammatory effects as DECA?
22:52 - Do you ever recommend fruits as