10 min Morning Yoga Stretch for Beginners - Energy Boost Yoga

Enjoy this energy boosting morning yoga flow great for beginners! No props needed. 🧘 My NEW 30-day yoga challenge starts APRIL 1ST 📅 👉 💎 Check out my new AFFIRMATION CARDS YOGA JOURNAL 👉 Hey yogis, you guys keep asking for more 10 minute yoga classes so I’m serving up a good one today. :) Here’s a brand new 10 minute morning yoga stretch, great to do when you’ve just gotten out of bed. I also snuck in a bit of strengthening yoga poses in here to give you the boost of energy you need most in the early hours of the day. No props necessary for this class but if you have a block at home you can always grab it to make some poses more accessible. This is a full body morning yoga stretch that will target all the aches and pains you may have accumulated during the night. Enjoy! 😍 MORE 10 MINUTE YOGA 😍👉
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