Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate: Santee - Eastern Dakota Sioux People - Nebraska, USA
This is a video for “The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate People“ (.: Santee Sioux - Eastern Dakota). There are also videos in this channel for many more North & South American Tribes & First Nations, Residential Schools, Chiefs, Elders, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Quotes, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more.
“The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate People“, (formerly known as: “The Santee Sioux People“and the “Eastern Dakota“), live on the Santee Sioux Reservation, which was established in 1863, in present-day Nebraska. The tribal seat of government is located in Niobrara, Nebraska, with reservation lands in Knox County. Established by an Act of the U.S. Congress on March 3rd 1863, the Niobrara Reservation was officially recognized in an Executive Order, dated February 27th 1866 and in treaties, dated November 16th 1867 and April 29th 1868. The Santee People were traditionally the “frontier guardians of the Sioux Nation“, that ranged from the Santee’s homelands, in what is currently Minnesota, across the Great Plains and to the northern Rocky Mountains, in Montana.. and south, through the northwestern part of Nebraska. Four bands comprised the Santee division of the Sioux Nation: the Mdewakantonwan, Wahpeton, Sissetons and the Wahpekute Peoples.
Santee Sioux Nation Headquarters
108 Spirit Lake Ave. W, Niobrara,
Nebraska, USA 68760
Phone: 402-857-2772
Fax: 402-857-2779
I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect.
Many Thanks & Much Respect To: The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Santee / Eastern Dakota People..; ..; ..; ..; Tate Iyonka Doozah, Monto Washaka & Jashaune Lott..; LAKOTA LULLABY..; LAKOTA SINGERS..; GREENWOOD SINGERS..; SHAWNEE..; SHARPSHOOTER..; IRONSWING..; MAKA SAPA SINGERS..; FORT PECK SINGERS..; JASON CHAMAKESE.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos and/or, in any other way.
Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!
*Set video to 720p, for best viewing.
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1 year ago 00:42:46 2
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate: Santee - Eastern Dakota Sioux People - Nebraska, USA