Mni Wakan Oyate: The Spirit Lake Tribe - Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota - Devils Lake Area, N.D., USA
This is a video for: “Mni Wakan Oyate“, “The Spirit Lake Tribe“, a Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota tribe from the Devils Lake Area of North Dakota, in the USA. There are also over 1000 videos in this channel for North, South & Central American & World Tribes & First Nations, Chiefs, Elders, Quotes, Residential Schools, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Legends, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more.
“The Spirit Lake Tribe“, (Santee Dakota: Mni Wakaƞ Oyate), are a federally recognized tribe based on the Spirit Lake Dakota Reservation, located in east-central North Dakota, on the southern shores of Devils Lake. The tribe is made up of people of the Pabaksa (Iháŋkthuŋwaŋna), Sisseton (Sisíthuŋwaŋ) and Wahpeton (Waȟpéthuŋwaŋ) bands of the Dakota People. Established in 1867, in a treaty between Sisseton-Wahpeton Bands and the United States government, the reservation land area is primarily, in Benson and Eddy counties. Smaller areas extend into Ramsey, Wells and Nelson counties. Their name was originally the Devils Lake Sioux Tribe and the reservation was originally called the Fort Totten Indian Reservation.
Spirit Lake Tribe
(P.O. Box 359),
Fort Totten, North Dakota
USA 58335
Phone: 701-766-4221
Fax: 701-766-4126
I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect. I am also “not“ part and/or, a member of “any other social media sites: (i.e.: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, etc.. etc.. etc..) and since I have seen my own videos from You-Tube posted on other sites, by people who are representing themselves with the name “Jaguar Bird“.. and the fact, that I am often under a siege of disrespectful hackers.. (and the sad fact, that some people enjoy “pretending“ to be others than themselves, on the Internet).. I wanted to warn anyone contacting a person who is going by the name “Jaguar Bird“, that “it is NOT me“.. and if this person(s) is claiming to be me, I ask that you please contact the Administration personnel of that site.. and make them aware, that a fraud is being committed. ****Thank you, Miigwetch! ..for helping to stop someone else from being deceived and/or, wronged.****
Many Thanks & Much Respect To: All The People Of The Spirit LakeTribe..; The Dakota, Santee & Sioux Peoples..; ..; ..; AUTHENTIC NATIVE AMERICAN MUSIC..; CANKDESKA CIKANA SINGERS..; GEORGIA WETTLIN LARSON..; PLENTY WOLF SINGERS..; SPIRIT LAKE SINGERS..; PORCUPINE SINGERS..; CALVIN STANDING BEAR..; SHAWNEE.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos and/or, in any other way.
Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!
*Set video to 720p, for best viewing.
“Chi Miigwetch (Thank You) For Subscribing!“
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