2019阅兵式的音乐 《Music from the 2019 Military Parade》(Timestamps in description)
This video is the complete soundtrack of the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China National Day Military Parade that took place on Tiananmen Square on October 1st 2019. This is the first such music completion I’ve made on this channel, and so if you want to see one of another parade / event of China or another country please say so in the comment section below. The reason I have made this video is for it to be my New Year present to a large amount of my subscribers that have come for my Chinese march videos in particular. I have also uploaded all the songs that are played during the mass pageant on this channel also, including live versions of some march songs in the 2019 parade not in this video. Enjoy the video and Happy New Year to you all! 🙏😁
1999 阅兵式的音乐 《Music from the 1999 Military Parade》
2009 阅兵式的音乐 《Music from the 2009 Military Parade》
2015 年胜利日游行的音乐 《Music from the 2015 Victory Day Parade》
1. 0:00 欢迎进行曲 《Welcome March》
2. 02:04义勇军进行曲 《National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China》
3. 02:51 致敬号角 《Tribute Horn》
4. 03:07 阅兵式号角 《Parade Horn》
5. 04:08 敬礼号角 《Salute Horn 》
6. 04:19 人民军队忠于党 《The People’s Army is loyal to the Party》
7. 04:59 中国人民解放军军歌 《Military Anthem of the People’s Liberation Army》
8. 05:59 检阅进行曲 《Inspection March》
9. 06:55 三大纪律八项注意 《Three Disciplines and Eight Attentions》
10. 07:49 新型陆军向前进 《The New Army Moves Forward》
11. 08:48 人民海军向前进 《The People’s Navy Goes Forward》
12. 09:59 中国空军进行曲 《March of the Air Force》
13. 11:58 火箭军进行曲 《March of the Rocket Force》
14. 12:52 我们是刀尖,我们是铁拳 《We are the Blade Tip, we are the Iron Fist》
15. 13:52 联勤保障部队进行曲 《March of the Joint Support Force》
16. 15:43忠诚卫士之歌 《Song of the Loyal Guardian》
17. 16:32 强军战歌 《Battle Hymn of the Strong Army》
18. 18:53 请你检阅 《Please Review》
19. 20:44 分列式号角 《Split Horn》
20. 20:59 分列式进行曲 《Parade March of the People’s Liberation Army》
21. 22:20 钢铁洪流进行曲 《March of the Steel Torrent》
22. 25:21 蓝色征程进行曲 《Blue Journey March》
23. 28:28 雄鹰出击进行曲 《Eagle Strike March》
24. 31:12 决胜千里进行曲 《Thousand-Mile Decisive Victory March》
25. 34:53 东风浩荡进行曲 《Mighty East Wind March》
26. 38:28 冲上云霄 《Rushing into the Clouds》
27. 41:12 辉煌时刻 《Glorious Moments》
28. 44:31 胜利在召唤 《Victory is upon us》
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