中国共产党建党100周年盛大庆典原声带 《CPC 100th Anniversary Celebration Soundtrack》(Timestamps in description)
中国共产党建党100周年盛大庆典原声带 | 100th Anniversary of the CPC Grand Celebration Soundtrack
#中国军乐 #解放军乐队 #cpc100 #CCP100
This video is the complete soundtrack to the 100th Anniversary of the CPC Grand Celebration Ceremony which took place on Tiananmen Square on July 1, 2021. This video’s creation is the result of a common request by subscribers to upload the music of this event which I received before it took place. I was at first hesitant to make such a video as it would not cast a good image mainstreaming the music of such a political event, but I remain committed to this channel’s nonpartisanship despite deciding to make this video in face of popular demand.
Please don’t turn my channel into a battleground. This is the fifth such ‘soundtrack’ March / Song Completion video I have made, the previous of which are below. If you would like a future soundtrack video like this of another event of any country please say so.
1999 阅兵式的音乐 《Music from the 1999 Military Parade》
2009 阅兵式的音乐 《Music from the 2009 Military Parade》
2019阅兵式的音乐 《Music from the 2019 Military Parade》
Chinese March Playlist / 中国军乐播放列表:
8 번째 파티 의회 군사 퍼레이드의 전체 사운드 트랙 《Complete soundtrack of the Eighth Party Congress Military Parade》(North Korea)
March / Song List:
1. 0:00 唱支山歌给党听 《Sing a folk song to the Party》(Vocal)
2. 02:33 团结就是力量 《Unity is Strength》(Vocal)
3. 04:42 我们走在大路上 《We walk on the Great Road》(Vocal)
4. 07:08 社会主义好 《Socialism is good》(Vocal)
5. 08:29 我们是共产主义接班人 《Song about the Young Pioneers》(Vocal)
6. 10:37 新的天地 《New World》(Vocal)
7. 13:31 没有共产党就没有新中国 《Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China》(Vocal)
8. 15:40 欢迎进行曲 《Welcome March》
9. 17:51 义勇军进行曲 《National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China》(Vocal)
10. 18:41 领航中国 《Leading China》
11. 18:59 国际歌 《The Internationale》
12. 20:54 歌唱祖国 《Ode to the Motherland》
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