Plot Quelled To Destroy American Monuments (1965)

USA, United States of America - New York, Philadelphia & Washington PLOT QUELLED TO DESTROY AMERICAN MONUMENTS Title Page: “The incredible plot to blast national monuments. Commentary by Peter Roberts. News of the Day.“ LS & MS. The Statue of Liberty including shots from behind. GV. Along Independence Avenue. MS. The Liberty Bell, another target for destruction. LS. The Washington Monument reflecting on the lake. GV. The Washington Monument another land mark which was nearly crippled. The area of Riverdale in the Bronx, New York. VS. Police in protective clothing very carefully carrying some dynamite from a vacant lot in the Bronx, they put it into a special truck which drives away. CU. Robert Collier, one of the men in the plot, under arrest. MS. The woman arrested in the attempt, Michelle Duclos. MS. Another two in the plot are Khaleel Sayyed and Walter Bowe. VS. Patrolman Raymond Wood who made the contact that led to the dramatic arrest. He is made Detective third class for his deed. (Comb.F.
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