Dewey Challenges Truman (1948)

Full title reads: “DEWEY CHALLENGES TRUMAN“. United States of America (USA). American President Harry Truman riding in open car through crowded streets during his presidential campaign. He waves to crowd. Confetti falling from skyscraper. Pan, Truman riding in car, waves to crowd. Crowd cheering. Truman and daughter Margaret entering station. Truman stops to shake hands with little girl. Truman boards train and stands on platform. Photographers taking pictures. Long shot of presidential train moving towards camera as it leaves the station. General view of large crowd of farmers at Salt Lak...e City. Truman standing on platform, pan to placard ’Welcome to Iowa’. Close up shot of Truman speaking (natural sound). He urges people to vote for him. Intertitle reads: “THOMAS E. DEWEY“. Close up shot of the Truman’s challenger, Thomas E. Dewey. Dewey walks to rostrum in front of large crowd. He waves. General view, crowd waving and cheering. Close up shot of a plaque on Dewey’s train ’Dewey Victory Special
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