Бабуины отбили своего у крокодила при Kwando Lebala
I was on safari in Botswana Apr 18-May 3, 2021. While at Kwando Lebala where I captured an epic animal encounter.
A large troop of baboons were drinking from a waterhole. A juvenile crocodile grabbed a young, male baboon in its jaws and dragged it away from the shore trying to drown it (we were still grabbing our cameras and missed filming this part). Since the waterhole was shallow and baboons are strong, the baboon was able to use all his strength to keep his head above water.
After about 20 minutes, the crocodile had to come up for air. When this happened, the baboon dragged the crocodile to shore where the croc was immediately attacked by any baboon that could get its hands and teeth on it. The croc calculated his bad odds and released the baboon and retreated into the water. If the baboons had flipped over the croc, they would have ripped him to pieces.
Going to Africa right now is extremely rewarding. This was my second safari since last August. Africa is now in peak seas
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