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Incredible moment a completely hidden leopard comes out of nowhere to surprise an unsuspecting troop of baboons crossing a road... Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: Solomon Ndlovu, an experienced safari ranger, filmed this incredible wildlife interaction at Singita Lebombo Lodge and shared it with Latest Sightings. “My guests and I were out on a game drive, and we managed to locate a leopard. It was very calm around us, which on its own, is a fantastic sighting.” “We wanted to make the most of what we found, any time you get to spend with a big cat is just special. So, we turned the vehicle off, and enjoyed being in the leopard’s presence.” “After spending some time we heard a noise in the distance. Something was making its way towards us. I quickly realized that it was baboons, and the leopard did too, almost immediately transitioning into stealth, and setting up an ambush!” “I repositioned the vehicle to make roo
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