Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You

Why would you wanna put garlic under your pillow? 🧄 Well, definitely not for aroma purposes. However, garlic benefits are numerous: from boosting hair growth to detoxing your body and even reducing body fat! Also, putting a clove of garlic under your pillow can help you beat insomnia for good. The allicin it contains generates a relaxing effect on your body. Discover these 30 natural tips you won’t regret trying. #brightside #naturaltips 0:00 How to fall asleep faster with garlic 0:25 Boost your immune system 0:30 Why garlic smells bad to us 0:47 How to get rid of spiders and mosquitos 1:43 Garlic to get splinters out 2:09 Boost hair growth and stop hair loss 2:51 Boost your body’s collagen production 3:26 Garlic for stomachache 4:04 Garlic for cold and flu 4:35 How to get healthy shiny nails 4:59 Unexpected uses for bread 5:29 Get rid of bad breath with cucumber 5:40 Tip to get gum out of your hair 6:01 Milk as a natural makeup re
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