Luzmila Carpio - Ama Sua, Ama Llulla, Ama Qhella - Himno Indigena (subtitulos ES, QU)
“Ama Sua, ama llulla, ama qhella“ is the Inca moral code that says “do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy“. Song written and composed in the mid-1970s by Luzmila Carpio in defense of the indigenous cultures of Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. In a decade where cultural diversity is threatened, her objective is to remind the message of their ancestors:
“Waranqa wataq pasachun,
Ama chinkachunchu
Waranqa wataq pasachun,
Ama chinkachunchu
Keshwa parlayninchiq,
Keshwa rimayninchiq
Ama sua, ama qhella,
Ama llullakuychu
Ama sua, ama qhella,
Ama llullakuychu,
Jina yuyarisun Inkaj parlayninta!
Jina yuyarisun Inkaj rimayninta!
Yuyarisun, yuyarisun!
Ama qonqasunchu!
Yuyarisun, yuyarisun!
Ama qonqasunchu!
Inti k’anchamushan!
Jallalla, jallalla!
Inti k’anchamushan!
Jallalla, jallalla!“
Luzmila Carpio artistic work has always been associated with a deep engagement of the artist with values such as ecology, humanism and ethics based on her rich indigenous tradition.
About Luzmila Carpio
The Voice of the Andes is the nickname given to the Bolivian singer, Luzmila Carpio, by her most praise worthy admirers.
A current star in traditional music of the Andes, Luzmila Carpio has gained international praise for her traditional Quechua songs, tunes that have brought indigenous Bolivian culture and history to the world.
Luzmila Carpio is a descendant of the men and women who built one of humanity’s greatest civilizations and whose empire glowed with all its splendor just before disappearing, a victim of the Spanish invasion.
Born in a small village perched in the Andes Mountains, she has been taught from childhood the secrets of Aymara and Quechua traditional women’s singing and became increasingly conscious of her cultural heritage.
From 1969, when she recorded her first song titles, until today, Luzmila has gone on to become the Queen of Bolivian singing and has already recorded over fifteen albums four of which have been awarded gold discs.
She has won the admiration of the public by the exceptional purity of her voice, capable of rising to unimaginable heights; and by the high quality of her repertoire, nourished from the purist of sources of a tradition lost in the shrouds of time. Her singing is unlike any other you may heard from Latin America. It has the unique ring of a people fighting for its survival and dignity, the ring of truth.
Her creative work, inspired by the highest sources, is reminiscent of a fresh breeze flowing through octaves with the ease of flight, revealing an ancient knowledge that touches our hearts.
“I use the language and music of my people, that of the Indian land, of our mountains, of our lakes, of the air we breathe. I sing my love for the land which witnessed my birth, the land of my ancestors. I speak of Pachamama, Mother Earth, of harmony and love, of the role of women in our civilization, of coexistence between man and nature within a cosmic order, of our traditions, which must not be lost.“
Official Web:
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Tik Tok: @luzmilacarpio
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