Post Early For Christmas (1942)

Title reads: “M of I - Government Official“ Ministry of Information public information trailer POST EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS Film staring comedian Richard Hearne, aka Mr Pastry. CU Two letterboxes with many hands posting items of mail. Cut to MS A postoffice worker in an extremely busy sorting office. There are piles of letters everywhere. Delivery men bring more and more, and the letters mount up and come at the exasperated worker from all directions (even above). ’No, no, this is too much!’ he cries. ’This is nothing - it’s going to get much worse than this’ comes the reply. He tries to sort the letters, but it’s chaos and even more arrive. He begins to be ’drowned’ by piles of post. Cut to MS the post office worker at home in bed having a nightmare. It’s all been a dream. His wife enters and tells him that he’ll be late for work if he doesn’t hurry. The distressed man gets out of bed and walks directly to camera. CU the man pointing into the camera. ’This sort of thing wouldn’t happen - if onl
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