PLEaSuRe iN PiNk - 1986 ’A PoPPy iN SPRiNGTiMe’ 7“ - DEaTh iN JuNe / SMiThs NeW WaVe ’GoTh-PoP’!
PLEaSuRe iN PiNk - 1986 ’A PoPPy iN SPRiNGTiMe’ 7“
DEaTh iN JuNe / SMiThs NeW WaVe ’GoTh-PoP’!
GRae & Co-hoRTs def kept TheMS-eLVes ’abreast’ oF. . .
Th’ ChaNGiNG TiMes / ’SOUNds’. . .
ANd there iS ( iMNSho ) a distinctly . ’infLueNCe’ iN ’’PoPPyfieLd’’
& ( mebbe ) a biT oF a. . .
mike keane / RoYaL FaMiLy & Th’ PooR infLueNCe
( iN boTh ’’WaiTiNG’’ and to me, defintitely in ’’body-ShoP’’ )
meeting HEad-ON WiTh ’SMiThs-iSh’ JaNGLy-GTR PoP!
( iN ’’PoPPyfieLd’’ )
as iNTeRPReTed thru aN ’ANGuLaR’ MekoN
3 weeks ago 00:53:40 12
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