Röyksopp - Nebulous Nights (An Ambient Excursion into Profound Mysteries) | Official Visualiser
Official Visualiser for ’Nebulous Nights (An Ambient Excursion into Profound Mysteries)’ by Röyksopp.
Out now on Dog Triumph. Listen here:
Visualiser available to watch ad-free on the RYXP website
Analogue, raw and immersive. This is «Nebulous Nights» - an ambient re-interpretation of our album «Profound Mysteries». Recorded live, this after-hours session is filled to the brim with nods and tributes, as well as references back to different parts of Röyksopp lore. All neatly wrapped in an esoteric blanket - coated with analogue warmth, and many a chunky nugget for the keen and avid listener to find.
Outside the pure listening pleasure, «Nebulous Nights» seeks to underline the importance of critical thinking and curious pondering. To foster a mindset that allows for exploration and personal growth, by not limiting one’s imagination and inquiry to a particular worldview or framework.
Encapsulated beautifully in this quote by Albert Einstein: The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science. To whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
We recommend headphones for full immersion.
00:00 Waking Up From A Thousand Year Slumber (ft. Astrid S)
06:57 Slow Fade / R
08:30 We Enter / State Of Awareness (ft. Alison Goldfrapp)
12:00 The Uxtáca Bridge
17:21 Soft Ascension (ft. Pixx)
20:26 Flumen Aeternum (ft. Jamie Irrepressible)
23:21 Oh, The Vanity
28:03 Lethargic Shift / The String That Passes Through All Things
33:33 Moments We Lost (ft. Susanne Sundfør)
38:58 Beacons (ft. Susanne Sundfør)
45:34 Waiting Still (ft. Astrid S)
49:52 We Remain Hidden / Consolation (ft. Pixx)
56:53 Beyond Beyond / The Weathered Gate / The Head Of The Statue
01:01:05 I’m There With You
01:04:42 Come With Me (ft. Karen Harding)
01:11:15 The Veil
01:15:41 Misconceptions / The Crux Of It All (ft. Astrid S)
01:18:46 The House Of «R»
01:25:59 If Only For A While (ft. Susanne Sundfør)
01:30:09 Understanding The Inexplicable
01:34:28 Reaching For Secrets (ft. Maurissa Rose)
01:41:18 Dandelion Pleasantries
01:45:55 Camera Obscura (ft. Pixx)
01:50:53 Beside You (ft. Jamie Irrepressible)
01:54:05 Always And Forever (ft. Susanne Sundfør)
01:57:35 The Space Between Stars / Paramnesia
02:03:24 Gone, Dissolved Into The Night (ft. Alison Goldfrapp)
02:09:17 Back Then, Back When
02:12:39 All Things Passing
02:16:24 And So…
#ambientmusic #ambient #focus #study
Creative Studio: Greedy Goons
Creative Direction: Röyksopp & George Dyson
2D Artists: Joe Phinikas, Jake McConnell
Album mastered by Zino Mikorey
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