Unpowered Short Foucault Pendulum Experiment

Please read the description below: I wanted to find out if a short unpowered Foucault pendulum can show meaningful results in a simple home experiment. The 110 g brass bob was suspended on a m monofilament thread (thread diameter was mm). The tricky part of the experiment was releasing the pendulum without imparting any out-of-plane (sideways) momentum. If any sideways force is present at release, the pendulum will move in an elongated ellipse and the ellipse will have its own precession rate that may drown out the precession caused by the Earth rotation. The reason is explained here: The observed precession was clockwise, as expected on the northern hemishpere, which leads me to believe that the experiment was successful. However, the motion of the pendulum becomes visibly elliptical when the oscillations get smaller, and it appears to be a clockwise ellipse, so the observed end result may be a combination of the elliptical precession and the precession of the oscillation plane.
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