6502 project update! I have two BASICs in ROM, fast-serial built-in to the Propeller SW, a new font (ala-C64!), and color text. ALSO: I plan to sell kits if there is interest...
My design is sort of a mixture: I have been influenced by the following projects:
Quinn Dunki’s Veronica:
Grant Searle’s 8-chip 6502 computer:
Vince Briel’s Replica 1:
Ben Heck’s Apple 1 Replica:
Also, a couple of emulators:
Online Easy 6502 Emulator:
POM1 APPLE 1 Emulator:
And of course I’ve been influenced by the numerous classic machines: Atari 400/800, Commodore 64, VIC20, and Pet machines.
Design goals? Simple, single-board 6502 based computer, SW compatible with Apple 1, but with better BASIC onboard too (Appleso