The M202A1 FLASH (Flame Assault Shoulder Weapon) is an American rocket launcher, designed to replace the World War II-vintage flamethrowers that remained the military’s standard incendiary devices well into the 1960s. The M202 is based on the prototype XM191 napalm rocket launcher that saw extensive testing in the Vietnam War.
The M202A1 features four tubes that can load 66 mm incendiary rockets. The M74 rockets are equipped with M235 warheads, containing approximately pounds ( kg) of an incendiary agent. The substance, often mistaken for napalm, is in fact thickened pyrophoric agent (TPA).
TPA is triethylaluminum (TEA) thickened with polyisobutylene. TEA, a organometallic compound, is pyrophoric and burns spontaneously at temperatures of 1200°C (2192°F) when exposed to air. It burns “white hot“ because of the aluminum, much hotter than gasoline or napalm. The light and heat emission is very intense and can produce skin burns from some (close) distance without direct contact with flame, by ther