A Deep Dive Into Fusible Raw Edge Machine Applique For Quilt As You Go: Island Home Ep 4

HOW TO APPLIQUE Welcome back to Pattern Poole TV; today, we are focusing on fusible raw edge machine applique! This is episode 4 of Island Home - our mystery sew-along, and if you are just tuning in now, stick around as there is lots to learn. If you would like to sew along with us, you can join in at any time on our website. You can also just purchase the flower patterns on our website. More details... About Island Home: Patterns: We love applique; there is so much freedom of expression and fluidity that applique allows when making quilt as you go quilts. Applique is the process of fusing fabrics onto a background fabric to form a pattern or image. There are multiple ways to fuse the shapes. However, today we are focusing on fusible raw-edge machine applique. Don’t let the raw edge part concern you; a few people have expressed concerns to us that it may fray! So we t
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