An amazing discovery. I couldn’t pay for Chipp’s new package, and I wondered how to do something special with inserts. At the same time, I tried to get the hang of Geometry Nodes. And there I saw a big opportunity. But the downside was the modifier stack. I didn’t like the hassle of going through the modifier stack all the time for every single insert. So I made an addon that detects the so-called GeoTech (Geometry nodes and technical?) inserts. Wow. It works. There are 4 such dynamic inserts in the download. So that’s the beginning of the GeoTech Inserts for KIT OPS.
I didn’t know how to call them. Something with magic would be the best match, but that’s already in use. And since I am Dutch, I don’t fancy words like turbo, mega, and ultra. So I thought GeoTech inserts for KIT OPS is an idea (Geometry Nodes and tech).
Check the link in the comments. I already had quite some inserts, which are included in the package called “Inserts for KIT OPS.“