5 Euromaidan myths busted

5 Euromaidan myths busted This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the culmination of the ‘Euromaidan Revolution’ – the US and EU-backed coup d’état which overthrew President Viktor Yanukovich and sparked the present Ukrainian crisis. Watch Sputnik’s video debunking the top five Euromaidan myths, including: #5: That Yanukovich triggered the Maidan protests in November 2013 by rejecting an association agreement with the European Union. #4: That the unrest was a spontaneous and unorganized expression of popular anger and dissatisfaction with the government, and were not sponsored from the outside. #3: That the demonstrations were peaceful and only turned violent due to the heavy-handed police response. #2: That the ’Heavenly Hundred’ are martyrs of the Euromaidan revolution murdered by Yanukovich’s police forces. #1: That the ‘Heavenly Hundred’ were heroes who sacrificed themselves for the sake of Ukraine’s aspirations for a bright European future. Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Источник: Sputnik International
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