Непальский (пятнистый, лесной)филин/Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl | Southern India | WILDwatch
Explore more of the Indian jungle with andBeyond Private guide, Surya Ramachandran, as he once again virtually guides us through a rare and unique sighting. This time we have the opportunity to observe a Spot-Bellied eagle-owl with a jungle fowl kill in a Jamun tree. See what lies beyond…
Bird with our Expert Birders | Chat to Surya Ramachandran, Swarovski Optik Field Guide, based in India, to discuss your birding life lists and what equipment will raise your game on your next birding adventure with us. 👉:
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1 year ago 00:02:44 1
Обыкновенная пищуха описание и факты Certhia familiaris,Treecreeper