歌名 斑馬斑馬 (Zebra Zebra) 演唱 關詩涵 (Guan, Shihan) Cover 宋東野 (Song, Dongye) 作詞 宋東野 (Song, Dongye) 作曲 宋東野 (Song, Dongye) 聲樂老師 石棟穎 (Shi, Dongying) ===========================================
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Please subscribe us and open the bell if you enjoyed our videos~
Your supporting will become our motivation of future. 小石頭和孩子們是由石棟穎老師帶領一群顏值爆表、唱功紮實、活潑可愛、有獨特個性的孩子們組成。
STONE&CHILDREN (stone and children) is a group of Chinese children which have attractive appearance, solid singing skills with cheerful and lovely personality, lead by tutor Mr. Dongying Shi.