0:00 “争奇斗艳满园春“2023中国杂技大联欢 Spring Glamor and Glory: 2023 Chinese Acrobatics Gala
2:16 1. 开场:乐舞百戏 Prologue: Variety Show of Acrobatic Music and Dance
第一篇章:迎春纳福 Chapter 1: Ringing in Spring and Fortune
8:30 2. 杂技《梦入神机》Acrobatics: Dream into Brilliant Chess Tactics
13:58 3. 杂技舞蹈《上善若水》Acrobatic Dance: The Greatest Virtue is like Water
19:07 4. 杂技《万家灯火》Acrobatics: Myriad of Lights
第二篇章:薪火相传 Chapter 2: Inheritance from Generation to Generation
25:15 5. 杂技《粉墨年华》Acrobatics