Goodnight Saigon

All Rights Reserved By SONY/BMG and Billy Joel Documents from the Vietnam Era to the Billy Joel song Goodnight Saigon. This video is dedicated to the American Soldiers who gave the ulitmate sacrifice in the Vietnam War. Due to past concerns I would also like to say... If you post anything hurtful to anyone else under my video, your comment will be removed. I will not tolerate any hate under my video. Also I would also like to say that this video is dedicated to the American Soldiers who gave the ulitmate sacrifice in the Vietnam War. This video documents the lives of American Soldiers in Vietnam and it is only fitting that it is dedicated to them. I am not discriminating against anyone here. I feel that the war was started under the best intentions yet ended up to be all wrong. American Soldiers came home and were treated as villians when in reality they were just doing their jobs. And I think all who did their job in Vietnam was a hero. However, I have the upmost sympathy for the Vietnamese
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