10 lovely daily IDIOMS!! | USEFUL English! Advanced! | British English | British accent

0:00 - Intro 0:56 - To call it a day 2:44 - Better late than never 4:06 - Once in a blue moon 5:38 - Under the weather 7:04 - To cut a long story short 8:44 - To kill two birds with one stone 10:18 - Up in the air 12:34 - To be all ears 13:54 - To see eye to eye 15:40 - To let the cat out of the bag 17:29 - Outro Hi there friends! Here is a video for daily life! These idioms will make you sound more friendly, warm, and approachable - and of course more native! They are also considered ’advanced English’ because they demonstrate a more impressive knowledge and command of the language. These lovely idioms are for daily situations but also deeper conversations! :-) As usual I am teaching you English that is IN USE today, used by my friends and family and people I come across in life. The accent is the British Accent usually found in the Southern part of England which is called Modern Received Pronunciation. I hope you enjoy m
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