After effects animation tutorial : Character animations for motion graphics step by step explained.

Do you think animation is difficult to learn. Then you’ll change your opinion after you would watched this tutorial because in this tutorial I will teach you how to create walk cycle character animations very easily step by step. This tutorial is for every one who wants to learn animations and motion graphics. Even if you are a beginner you can learn very easily. In this tutorial I’ll teach you 1. How to download free vector characters to use in your motion graphics & Animations. 2. How to prepare the character ready for animation in After effects. 3. How to properly Import the character for Animation in After effects. 4. How to use pickwip tool to parent the different parts of the character in after effects. 5. How to use keyframes for animation. 6. How to use keyframe interpolation for smooth animation. 7. How to create shadow for animation. 8. How to export your animation as a video from after effects. 8. How to make gif from video for Instagram and dribbble. If you want to learn more of drawing, sketch
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