A5112589 Herman | Pit Bull

United Hope for Animals is not a facility. To CHECK THE STATUS of this animal, contact the BALDWIN PARK SHELTER in person, by phone or on their website: Address: 4275 Elton St, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Phone: (626) 962-3577 Website: If you end up adopting this animal, please give a shout out to #unitedhopeforanimals @UnitedHope on social media, leave a comment here as a thank you to our Volunteers, or donate to UHA at http://unitedhope4animals/donate. Thank you for looking! Please SHARE this animal if you are unable to adopt. United Hope for Animals links: ADOPTABLE PETS: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: WEBSITE: Our Mission: United Hope for Animals is dedicated to reducing homelessness among companion animals through spay/neuter, shelter support, photograp
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