Manhunt Leaked Prototype Full Playthrough (All Levels)
A showcase of all 21 stages in the leaked Manhunt prototype, where I finish each stage, get to a dead-end, or the game consistently crashes at a certain point.
Since PS2 controls are terrible and the game build is extremely unbalanced at points, save states were used to make a cohesive viewing without repetitive gameplay, while trying to abuse the in-game developer menu as little as possible.
Pain Factory’s footage is from my original playthrough stream, and some footage for Mall is from it as well, since my off-stream playthrough kept running into script failures.
I assumed that Weasel was an infinite gameplay loop at the time, hence why I ended it early, although it appears that if you kill the weasel 3 times you get some text and the gate unlocks so I didn’t show that off, sorry about that!
Accidentally left in both of my Zoo2 takes here - the second one goes through the cutscenes I missed in the first one, however.
Pharm Wks was also really laggy due to no PVS optimization, not much I could do there.
If you want to see my live reaction and first playthrough of the prototype:
0:00 Intro
0:21 Menu
1:25 Jury Turf (Born Again)
9:23 Derelict (Doorway into Hell/Road to Ruin)
20:54 Weasel (Time 2 Die)
36:17 Scrap (White Trash)
47:57 Scrap2 (Fuelled by Hate)
1:00:45 Mall (View of Innocence)
1:09:06 Church2 (Drunk Driving)
1:28:40 Zoo (Grounds for Assault)
1:39:38 Zoo2 (Strapped for Cash)
1:49:37 Zoo2 again
2:01:25 Pain Factory (scrapped stage)
2:18:28 Pharm Wks (Graveyard Shift)
2:29:14 Asylum (Mouth of Madness)
2:38:39 Cellblock (Doing Time)
2:44:17 Prison (Kill the Rabbit)
2:51:11 Ramirez (Divided they Fall)
2:54:42 Journo Streets (Press Coverage)
2:58:20 Subway (Wrong Side of the Tracks)
3:05:12 Trainyard (Trained to Kill)
3:08:56 Estate Ext (Border Patrol)
3:13:54 Mansion Int (Key Personnel)
3:18:33 Attic (Deliverance)
Twitch VOD (higher quality):
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