“Гимн демократической молодежи мира“ - Soviet Internationalist Song (Anthem of the WFDY)

This was hard to translate, please let me know if I made any errors. The anthem of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), an international socialist anti-war organization. It was originally founded in 1945 as part of an anti-fascist initiative that sought to unite the Allies of WW2 against oppression; however, this fell through as the West embraced reactionary and anti-communist policies, at which point, the WFDY moved to a more left-wing and anti-imperialist platform, which they retain to this day. The WFDY are also known for their (now infrequent) event called the World Festival of Youth and Students. Performed and written in 1947. Composed by Anatoly Novikov, written by Lev Oshanin. Дети разных народов, Мы мечтою о мире живем. В эти грозные годы Мы за счастье бороться идем. В разных землях и странах, На морях-океанах Каждый кто молод, Дайте нам руки, В наши ряды, друзья! Песню дружбы запевает молодежь, Молодежь, молодежь. Эту песню не зад
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