Tribute to Malevolent Creation. Video taken from 1991 live bootleg and music taken from “ten commandments“ album.
Malevolent Creation is one of those bands I learned through radio (finnish metal radio prog ’Metalliliitto’ - in english ’metal union’) back in Spring 1991 and the first song I heard was exactly this song here. It felt instantly really, really good to me so I went and ordered the album as CD right away. Ordering as CD back then was a money matter (during the time of this album’s release I was 16 years old); CD cost about 40% more than LP (vinyl) so ordering something as CD was a sign of ... ordering something that was believed to be really important and influential. And Malevolent Creation’s debut album certainly was that! Lots of albums released between 1989-1992 were (and still are), but 1991 really felt like the death metal boom year. I listened a lot to Malevolent Creation’s debut album and as with many bands tried to find zines or more official metal music magazines and interview with them. One interview especially sticked to mind, feels quite hilarious to think about it now - for two reasons. First, the headline was “the thrash cooks“ ... the THRASH cooks, sure there is thrash elements in MC’s music but it was definitely labelled as death metal from the start, but other thing was that “cooks“ thing; at that point in time 3 musicians out of 5 in the band were educated as cooks. Funny.
Anyway, Malevolent impact was massive right from the start, and their followup “retribution“ was even bigger impact to me (and many others I guess) just some bit over 1 year later. That album influenced so much, that years later when I had project band Cauterized with Shukri, we both held MC’s “retribution“ in so high value that one of our releases was named as “retribution“, too. But still, MC’s debut album was and is really awesome album. I remember that as I instantly liked “sacrificial annihilation“ as I heard (and taped it, of course) from radio, I had high expectations for the album - and it felt that my expectations were surpassed by the album. Wow. But that’s how it was. This radio track wasn’t “just a gem“ amongst okayish songs but all the songs were gems. Yeah! Enjoy!
As years have passed from these early days of MC, well, people can think what they want (me included) about the band’s driving creative force (Phil Fasciana) but the fact remains; the man has composed massive amount of amazing extreme metal during all the years. Controversies aside.
Also, RIP Brett Hoffman, the true & original voice of Malevolent.