Irony’s Sway [Organ Donor Mix]---Remember the Flowers OST

In case some folks missed it, I just released a combo album on Bandcamp featuring all the tracks I’ve made so far for Remember the Flowers and No More Future---a collection called “I Want A Crack Ship For Christmas“. Every penny made from this release will go towards Toys for Tots, a charity seeking to gift new and unwrapped toys to needy children on Christmas day. If you can help out and want some musical goodies, just follow this link! And yes: RoseXIsaac is the hottest furry visual novel ship of all time and you can’t convince me otherwise---Burnt has solidified this Truth into the masterpiece you see in the thumbnail! Check out his other works here: If you’re new here and have yet to read either novel, go check out the latest free builds of each. You’ll be glad you did--
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