EXCITING NEWS: This is what I’ve been secretly working on!
| Normally I make short videos. But something happened to me that was so amazing, I just knew I had to make a full-length documentary film about it.
You might remember I went to New Zealand last year to launch my book. The prime minister at the time, Jacinda Ardern, had tried to block me from visiting the country, so I went back to get the last laugh.
I finally got in to New Zealand and we were set to have our book launch in a church hall that we rented in Wellington. But the local Antifa thugs heard about it and they threatened the church, which cancelled on me with just a few hours notice.
What could I do? The trip was ruined!
But then Brian Tamaki stepped in and said we could use one of his churches — called Destiny Church. And his church members would act as security guards.
Really? But Antifa are thugs — they’re notorious for using violence to get their way, especially against people they hate politically, like me. They don’t like Christians much, either. Surely they’d cut through churchgoers like a hot knife through butter.
But that’s when I saw an online message from Antifa New Zealand: they heard we were going to be at one of Tamaki’s churches. And they were terrified. The word went out: Avi’s book launch is in a protected zone. Don’t even bother trying to disrupt it.
And they didn’t.
What was going on? Who was this Brian Tamaki — and who were the members of his church who could strike fear in the hearts of violent Antifa thugs?
That, my friends, is a fascinating question. And it was the beginning of my movie called Destiny Uncut: God’s gang members saving New Zealand.
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