Eurasia’s Biggest Robot Combat Event Returns! | Battle of Robots Qualifier A TCC RUNDOWN

°° It’s been an exciting year for Heavyweights from RoboGames to Battlebots Faceoffs, we’ve even seen a boom in 250lb action over in Europe with the XR European Championship Robots Live MechMania... But if you want the biggest event this year, in terms of Robot Field & Cash Prize - you cannot look any futher than Russia’ BATTLE OF ROBOTS! An elite robot competition that kicked off last month to an audience of 18.1 MILLION Viewers! °° °° Battle of Robots, the spiritual successor to Bitva Robotov introduced the world of robot combat to numerous new and returning heavyweights from Russia,... India, Belarus, China, and even Brazil... As all of these robots return for the 6 million ruble prize on the table! Join TCC Host Sterling Brown to take a look at the 1st of 2 Qualifier Events at Battle of Robots - discussing Battle of Robots News & Developments, Previewing 20 of the 32 robots in QUALIFIER #,1 going over EVERY battle this first qualifier had to offer! °° BATTLE OF ROBOTS’ Website! BATTLE OF ROBOTS QUALIFIER A - FULL EVENT BATTLE OF ROBOTS QUALIFIER B - AIRS LIVE ON OCTOBER 26th, 3AM CST @champbitvarobotov/lives Follow us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram! Join our Discord Community! Find the rest of our platforms on Linktree!
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