Behold the majestic snow leopard, quite possibly the first one to ever be captured on film from a drone! Normally a shy and elusive creature, this one seemed very happy to play for the camera! Boop!
It was another hot Sunday down under in Australia and I was feeling playful, so I threw this together using my TALI H500 hexacopter and movie maker (upgrading soon). I’m not certain but I might be the first person to fly a drone while in full fursuit! Also first drone nose-booping, totally calling that, tee hee
10 years ago 00:03:18 30
Fursuiter flying a drone
6 years ago 00:01:10 126
Fursuit saber-toothed flying fox.
10 years ago 00:03:48 35
Fursuit Para-skiing (foxes can fly!)
10 years ago 00:04:52 43
Fly away :3 - Fursuiting in an airplane
10 years ago 00:05:06 44
KeeXtreme #1 - Keenora can fly! Bungee Jumping in fursuit! :3