Algerian ’quake: Latest Report (1954)

Orleansville. LV rescue workers searching amongst rubble, & SV. SCU soldiers pulling mattress from rubble. SV pan, Mr Mitterand French Minister of Interior, walking amongst debris. LV devastated buildings. SCU Mr Mitterand looking at damage. SV soldiers searching rubble. STV collective funeral services being performed pan down to another coffin being brought in and laid with others. SCU grief stricken woman walking over to coffins. STV another coffin being brought in. LV coffin being laid with others. SCU grief stricken parents looking at child’s coffin. CU child’s coffin. GV collection of tents on the outskirts of town & SV. SV family sheltering by a tent. Air view, devastated area. Air view, nearer shot, devastated area (2 shots). SV ruins outside Orleansville. SV people praying outside Mosque in ruins. SV furniture etc., salvaged from ruins. SV doctors and nurses at work. SCU one month old baby with broken leg, on stretcher, & CU. SV rescue helicopter taking off. SCU baby being carried to another helic
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