~【EternaX】チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ!【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38304974

Come on! Come on! It’s a secret notice! Nice to meet you! Hello! This is EternaX! This time is a dream school run! I wore it ...! !! !! [Eterna X], who was so friendly in the previous work, will hit each other this time! Please enjoy yourself! !! 楽曲本家様:sm28276238 振付本家様:sm28523963 ※この動画を撮影したのは2019年11月です。 ←前回 MAD HEAD LOVE【sm38228159】 -☆-★-☆-★-☆-★-☆-★-☆-★ With the motif of the blue sun ☀︎ and the red moon ☪︎, they are working together in the opposite direction! Appearance for just a student who likes to dance ✕ I’m active in a relaxed manner, so I’d be happy if you could support me relaxedly! EternaXのマイリスト【mylist/66802317】 Twitter【@__Eterna_X】 ☀︎スロウ(青) @slow_EternaX ☪︎夕暮れ(赤) @Yugure_EternaX EternaX 02/20/2021 21:00 Views 192
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