2 minutes ago! Great Britain has not seen such a thing for 100 years! Stones fell from the sky!
Great Britain has recently experienced a powerful hailstorm that has caused significant damage to buildings and vehicles across the country. The hailstones, which were as large as golf balls, fell with great force and intensity, causing widespread destruction in some areas.
In Birmingham, the hailstorm caused extensive damage to cars, smashing windows and denting bodywork. In some areas, the hailstones were so large that they punched holes through roofs and caused water damage to properties. The sudden and unexpected nature of the storm caught many people off guard, with some drivers stranded on the roads as the hail fell.
Despite the destruction caused by the hailstorm, there were no reports of serious injuries or fatalities. Emergency services worked quickly to clear roads and assess damage, while insurance companies have been inundated with claims from affected individuals and businesses.
The hailstorm is just the latest in a series of extreme weather events that have affected the UK i
2 weeks ago 00:19:54 1
Просто смешайте Капусту и 2 яйца! Ужин за 5 минут, который ПОКОРИЛ Мир! 🥰
2 weeks ago 00:04:42 1
Супер Беляши на Кефире! Очень вкусные, сочные, хрустящая корочка и пушистые внутри!
2 weeks ago 00:04:43 1
Вареники с творогом! Самый простой рецепт теста для вареников и пельменей на кипятке, без Яиц!
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Лодочка с рыбой и рисом на Новый год, цыгана готовит.
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Горячая ЗАКУСКА на Старый Новый год. Аля Жульен, цыганка готовит.
2 weeks ago 00:07:57 1
Торт три стакана без миксера! Без весов! Сочный без пропитки Я в шоке от Вкусного Десерта на кефире