NASA Documentary - The Flight of Gemini XII (12)

Gemini 12 (officially Gemini XII) was a 1966 manned spaceflight in NASA’s Project Gemini. It was the 10th and final manned Gemini flight, the 18th manned American flight and, including X-15 flights over 62, the 26th spaceflight of all time. Gemini 12 was designed to perform rendezvous and docking with the Agena target vehicle, to conduct three extra-vehicular activity (EVA) operations, to conduct a tethered station keeping exercise, to perform docked maneuvers using the Agena propulsion system to change orbit, and demonstrate an automatic reentry. The crew consisted of Command Pilot James A. L...ovell, Jr, and Pilot Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr.
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